Ways to Support AXL Academy
There are many ways to support AXL Academy and the education you believe in.
Online Donations
Donate online throughout the year or for Colorado Gives Day. Your donations help fund replacement classroom furniture, field work expeditions and the ongoing support of our incredible educators.
Classroom Supplies
Our classrooms and educators are always in need of supplies for expeditions and learning. Pencils, dry erase markers, poster board, craft supplies, paint, disinfectant wipes, paper, markers, athletic equipment, and more are always in need. Toilet paper rolls can create an incredible project. Shoeboxes can be a dynamic diorama. These can be dropped off at the main office anytime.
Leadership Service
Use and/or refine your leadership skills for your scholar's school! There are ample opportunities to serve on a leadership committee (Fundraising, School Accountability Committee, Governance Committee, Marketing, Financial Committee), be on our Board of Directors, and/or join our Parent organization: PEAK (Parents, Educators, And Kids). Prefer a conversation with a school leader on where you can serve?
We have many opportunities to support through fundraising throughout the year. These fundraisers help fund replacement classroom furniture, field work expeditions, and ongoing supplies needed for the school. Fundraising goes beyond monies raised with life-long skills of advocating for a cause or organization scholars believe in to support. While participation for scholars/families is voluntary, the time and the funds raised have an exponential impact for the school.
Volunteer Time
Your time is your greatest gift! We have many options available to volunteer and help with the school. This includes:
reading to small groups of scholars
making copies for teachers
helping with arrival/recess/lunch/dismissal supervision
sharing with neighbors about AXL Academy
serving as an athletic coach for sports
Whether a one-time or regular basis you are looking for, we welcome you to volunteer at our events and in the classrooms. Email info@axlacademy.org to set up a volunteer time.