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The Teaching and Learning Conditions Colorado (TLCC) Survey is used at AXL Academy to measure Staff Engagement over time through categorized quantitative results. The categories include: Community Support, Facilities and Resources, General Reflection, Instructional Practices and Support, Job Satisfaction, Managing Scholar Conduct, Professional Development, School Leadership, School Supports, Support for Staff Wellbeing, Support for Scholar Wellbeing, Teacher Leadership, and Teacher Time,  This data is used to inform strategic planning for administrators and Board of Directors. 

450 South Chambers Road

Aurora, CO 80017


Phone: 303.377.0758 

Fax: 303.597.1547


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School Hours

K-4: 7:45 am - 2:55 pm M-F

5-8: 7:45 am - 3:10 pm M-F

© Copyright AXL Academy

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